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It All Starts with an Idea...

Need a Model?

Contact us if you would like more info on modeling and prototyping services and to discuss how we can assist you with your project.

Prototype Client: IAR Systems 

Even more than diagrams, drawings and modern computer modelling techniques, a physical model is a great communication tool. This is in large part due to the fact that models better represent three dimensional space, volume, even time. The fact that even in a small way the physical model can capture something of these aspects makes them indispensable. ​​
Modeling Available:

Product Prototype

Architectural Model

Site / Topographical Models

TV / Movie Props

Medical Models

Prototype for design client: Robauto.

Prototypes are particularly important since they give a general picture of products that are still in development, and whose requirements are not entirely known. Until you can see and touch the prototype you often don't discover what works and what doesn't. Is it too big or too small? Will it actually work and if so how well? Do people like the look of the product in three dimensions? Can it be manufactured at an affordable cost?.
Using a prototype model enables you to demonstrate the concept of your product and discover any flaws. You have the opportunity to correct these flaws, or come up with solutions for improving the product. This reduces the risk of your product failing.
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